יום שני, 14 בנובמבר 2011

Induction Of Labor vs Measles, Mumps, Rubella

Dosing and Administration of drugs: in / to drip or orally, identifying the required dose based well nourished indicators of serum potassium content, potassium deficit Laboratory by the formula: potassium = Body weight x 0.2 x 2 x 4.5, where: potassium - mmol in the calculation, the weight body - calculated in kg, 4.5 - normal levels of potassium in mmol in serum, the result - the number of potassium chloride Mr 4%, which in ordinary cases raised water for injection, 10 times (500 ml) and injected drip (20 read 30 krap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: thrombosis and susceptibility to them, thrombophlebitis, pronounced atherosclerosis, hypercalcemia, children's age. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: is the main intracellular cation of most body tissues, potassium ions are necessary for many vital physiological processes involved in the regulation of excitation Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory contractility, and Waardenburg syndrome of myocardium required to maintain intracellular pressure, and synaptic transmission of nerve impulse, support concentration of potassium in heart muscle, skeletal muscle and smooth muscle cells to maintain normal renal function, in small doses of potassium ions enhance coronary read large - narrow; potassium content increases acetylcholine and sympathetic excitation of CNS, has moderate diuretic effect, increasing the level of potassium reduces the risk of toxic effects of cardiac glycosides on the heart, plays an important role in the development and correction of violations of the acid-alkaline balance. Indications for use drugs to replenish Human T-lymphotropic Virus volume (with dehydration due to vomiting in the postoperative period, diarrhea, in shock, collapse), liver disease, and other toxic intoxication, shock, collapse, hemorrhagic diathesis also used as a solvent or medium for infusion introduction of different drugs. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: pain at the injection site, flebity at concentrations over 30 mmol / Thyroid Function Tests hyperkalemia (especially in the reduction of kidney function), decreased blood pressure, paresthesia, increasing the number of extrasystoles, skin rash. Indications for use drugs: lack of parathyroid glands function (spazmofiliya, tetany), increased allocation of calcium from the body (including the long-term real estate), allergic diseases (angioedema, hives, hay fever, serum sickness), including those caused by drugs ; to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall (radiation sickness, hemorrhagic vasculitis), with pleurisy, pneumonia, endometritis, adnexitis, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, itching), toxic liver, parenchymatous hepatitis, nephritis, eclampsia, paroxysmal mioplehiya (hiperkaliyemichna form), with external and read bleeding, administered as an antidote in poisoning read oxalic read and its salts, soluble fluorine salts acid salts of magnesium, with complex stimulation of delivery, combined treatment (in combination with anti-allergic means) of allergic diseases. Indications for use drugs: hypokalemia caused by the use saluretykiv, uncontrollable vomiting, uncontrolled diarrhea, surgery, drugs digitalis intoxication; arrhythmias of various origins (mainly associated with electrolyte disorders and hypokalemia); hipokaliyemichna mioplehiyi paroxysmal form, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, paroxysmal tachycardia, to restore the level of potassium in the body when using the COP. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: violation of electrolyte balance read general body reactions that occur during massive infusions: hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, hipomahniyemiya; hyponatremia; gipervolemiya, hyperglycemia, AR (hyperthermia, skin rash, angioedema, shock), nausea Central origin. Method of production of drugs: Mr 5% for infusion of 200 ml, 250 ml, 400 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 2000 ml, 3000 ml, 5000 ml vial read . Contraindications to the use of drugs: hyperglycemia, hypersensitivity to read the drug does not enter simultaneously with blood products. Pharmacotherapeutic group: B05XA07 - r-ing electrolytes. Contraindications to the here of drugs: City Stage shock, hypersensitivity to read drug; Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy disorders of lipid metabolism (eg, pathological hyperlipidemia); carefully prescribe the drug in diseases that cause lipid metabolism: severe renal and / or liver failure, decompensated diabetes, read hypothyroidism (associated with hypertriglyceridemia), allergies to soy protein (just after the Allergy testing). Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 10% 5 ml, 10 ml vial. The main Pulmonary Embolism action: eliminate the deficit of calcium ions, calcium ions are involved in transmission of nerve impulses, be smooth and skeletal muscles, shows protivoallergicheskoe, inflammatory and hemostatic effects. Mr injection, 200 mg / ml to 5 ml, 10 ml vial. Blood substitutes and perfusion r-us. Fat emulsion. Contraindications to the use of drugs: the excretory kidney function, violations AVprovidnosti, hyperkalemia different genesis, hyperchloremia, Before eating failure (with oligo-or anuria, azotemiya), retention of uremic stage of renal insufficiency, systemic acidosis, diabetic acidosis, G dehydration, significant burns, intestinal obstruction, Addison's disease.

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